Understanding Laura

I am a crunchy oddball with too many ideas and too little time. Do you get me now?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

My Dad

I have a nose that, by beauty pageant standards, would be considered... well, not even a contestant.

I do not remain in the dark about this painfully obvious fact.
I am well aware of the uneven curve of my nose.
The well-defined point at the tip of my nose.
My unsightly nose hair that never seems to stop growing.
I am acquainted with the bump on the bridge of my nose.
I've even made note of the length of my nose.

This list of observations might lead you to think that I'm unhappy about my nose.

I think it would be fair to say that I was, at one point. I cursed my nose everyday for most of my teen years.

I was unforgiving and relentless!

But I've recently come to the realization that I won't be escaping my nose anytime soon. And this doesn't chafe me as it once did.

You see, I got my nose from my Dad.

My Dad is a creative, intellegent, empathetic man.
He has a knack for finding things that are PERFECT for his collections.
My Dad is able to listen for hours about things that may seem mundane and still appear interested.
He has a natural talent for drawing and he's learned to make money doing it.
His looks have always belied his age.
He is dedicated to his faith and his family.

My brothers were fortunate enough to have most of these gifts and talents bestowed upon them. And while I was genetically lucky in some areas, there are several I missed out on.

That's why I am at peace with my nose.

I got it from my Dad. And I'll wear it, smack dab in the middle of my face, as a badge, proudly proclaiming-

I am my Father's daughter.


  • At 12:08 PM, Blogger Bagley Briefs said…

    Yes, you are your Father's duaghter. And, he misses you soooo much! Me too!

    How sweet of you to post tributes about your Mom and your Dad! I love the photos, too.

    Was your cute nose tickling your Daddy's cheek when the picture of you two was taken? I love the photos, it's one of my favorites of the both of you.

    I'm sure I sound like a broken record when I say - I can't believe how much I love this blog thing! Who'd have thought? Thanks for introducing me to this cutting edge technology!:)

    I love being able to share your life with you in a way that may not otherwise be possible. Thanks sooo much for sharing.

    I love you a bushel and a peck, with my arms around your neck!


  • At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love your nose, young lady! :) It's part of you and I love you! And I love to see you blogging all the time, it makes it seem like you're not so far away. And I love that your family is blogging too. I loved reading Ruth and Heather's blogs! Now how do we get Marta Mommy to get a blog??

  • At 9:38 PM, Blogger Paul said…

    I always liked your nose just the way it was on you, I cannot say the same about mine, if only I could get in their and shave a little of that top cartilage away it would be normal. But that is one of the seven sins (glamour) so in all reality, I don't really care what I look like, or smell like just as long as somebody loves me.

  • At 11:20 PM, Blogger CrunchyChick said…

    Or smell like? That's an interesting statement. :)

  • At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    :) You have a great nose!

  • At 9:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    what the heck?! your nose is adorable. and love that pic of you and your dad!

  • At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks a lot for making me cry, girlfriend. You are very blessed and it is wonderful that you not only recognize it but appreciate it as well.
    I miss you and love you very much.


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