Understanding Laura

I am a crunchy oddball with too many ideas and too little time. Do you get me now?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Three Things I Love About 2007

We have a beautiful baby girl.

Our credit card debt is paid off (Finally!).

I'm going home to Utah for a much-needed visit.


  • At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love all those three things too! I can't wait to finally talk to you! I was going to call you on Thursday night but I was on the verge of a meltdown and I didn't think that would be a very fun phone call if I suddenly burst into hysterics. So another day when we both have time and have our phones on and with us and one of us (or Kellie) is not hysterical! :)

  • At 5:52 PM, Blogger Heather said…

    That is so great that your debt is paid off, isn't it a great feeling! I can't wait until our tax returns come and we can pay off our credit card.
    Children are amazing and change everything! What a blessing they are.
    Can't wait to see you! Are you planning a trip to Provo while you are down here? Emily lives here too so I was just wonderin.


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